Maa Rewati College: Your Gateway to Exam Success

Welcome to the Maa Rewati College Exam and Preparation Portal — a one-stop solution for students to access study materials, stay updated with exam schedules, and practice mock tests. Empowering you with the tools and resources needed to achieve academic excellence and prepare confidently for your future..

  • Maa Rewati College Exam Practice Portal

    Maa Rewati College proudly presents its dedicated Exam Practice Portal, designed to empower students with the tools and resources they need to excel in competitive exams. Whether you are preparing for government exams, bank exams, or any other competitive tests, this portal serves as a comprehensive platform to hone your skills and build the confidence to succeed.

    This portal goes beyond traditional preparation by offering subject-wise practice sessions and mock tests tailored to simulate real exam scenarios. It is designed to help students not only practice but also analyze their performance. By tracking the time spent on each subject and pinpointing areas of weakness, the portal provides valuable insights to optimize your study strategy. One of the key features of this portal is its user-friendly interface, which makes learning and practicing effortless. Students can choose from a variety of subject-specific tests, helping them focus on areas where improvement is needed the most. The portal also includes detailed performance analytics, ensuring students are aware of their strengths and areas requiring attention.

    Our goal is to help students prepare thoroughly so they feel confident and well-equipped on exam day. This initiative reflects the college's commitment to supporting its students beyond classroom teaching, giving them the edge they need to crack competitive exams and pursue their dreams. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this portal caters to all skill levels, allowing personalized preparation journeys for every student. Maa Rewati College understands the challenges of modern competitive exams, and this portal is our way of guiding you to overcome them successfully.

    Join us in making your exam preparation journey effective and efficient. With consistent practice and access to real-time feedback, you can turn your aspirations into achievements. Your success is our priority, and this Exam Practice Portal is here to ensure you walk into your exams with confidence and come out victorious. Take advantage of this portal and prepare to take on the challenges of the competitive world with Maa Rewati College by your side!


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Leader Board

Photo Rank Name Average (%) Exam Given
Utkarsh Dubey 1 Utkarsh Dubey 64.00% 1
anupmaravi 2 anupmaravi 60.00% 1
lucky jhariya 3 lucky jhariya 56.00% 1
Nikhil Mehra 3 Nikhil Mehra 56.00% 2
shiva patel 4 shiva patel 52.00% 1
aanchal jhariya 5 aanchal jhariya 49.00% 2
suman maravi 6 suman maravi 48.00% 1
rishabh  dubey 7 rishabh dubey 46.00% 1
  sakshi patel 8 sakshi patel 44.00% 1

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